onsdag den 24. september 2008

Good thing of the day

I have on my kitchen counter top a bowl with a dough waiting to be kneaded, shaped and baked. This is a good thing in it self.. not much beats the newly baked bread or the home where bread is in the oven, the smell of the bread is slowly penetrating every room causing hunger pains in all present.... but not my good thing of the day though. I am baking bread with an ulterior motive.. Lemon Curd! Yummi! I love Lemon Curd. The creamy velvety taste of citrus that just melts in my mouth and make me smile.

I have a dear colleague at work whose mother is british and she introduced me to Lemon Curd. My first glass was bought in a Netto and was from Robertsons and it was just delicious mouthwatering addictive! I ended up buying more, and of other fabricants.. but today I mostly make it myself, since I havent found the Robertsons here since then and the others just dont compare..

And I made up a batch this weekend.. and tonight I will smear the yellow cream all over my freshly baked bread and .. well knowing me.. stuff my face!

Have a nice evening.


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